April 21, 2022
Overpopulation, scarcity of natural resources, excessive consumption, pollution, climate change and many other factors are a reality in today's society and their effects are increasingly noticeable and detrimental to everyone.
For this reason, more and more people are deciding to take action and take care of the environment, leading a sustainable way of life and trying to reduce the adverse effects of all these factors.
All these actions carried out by individuals have led to the emergence of an environmental awareness and has led to the development of the concept of sustainable cities. Do you want to know what a sustainable city is and how you can join in? Read on and we'll tell you all about it!
Definition of a sustainable city
A sustainable city reduces environmental impacts through its activities and promotes sustainable consumption and production patterns in accordance with its own territorial, geographical, social, economic and cultural conditions. It is a city that is resilient to the impacts of climate change reducing the vulnerabilities of its population.
The perfect sustainable city would be one that is self-sufficient in energy, manages waste to produce energy, has more sustainable transport, maintains green spaces and manages and uses its natural resources correctly.
It would be a city that is built on the principles of ecology, education and equality. Below we will analyze the characteristics of sustainable cities and how you can do your part to achieve a clean and ecological city.
Characteristics of sustainable cities
1. Environmentally conscious inhabitants
A sustainable city can only exist when its inhabitants are committed to changing their old habits for new ones that are less harmful to the environment. There would be no point in taking actions to promote recycling, investing in new energy and technologies if the people themselves do not intend to readjust their habits to contribute to and adopt these changes.
Sustainable cities need citizens who are committed to the cause, who are environmentally aware and whose lifestyles can identify with environmentally conscious actions.
2. Regenerating and preserving natural spaces
The renewal of public spaces is necessary. This implies the adaptation of urban space in general; a sustainable city provides green spaces that are larger, more comfortable and integrated into cities, never isolated. The planning of cities nowadays incorporates these spaces, providing a healthier air for citizens that can avoid exposure to high levels of pollution.

3. Mainly local city economy
Sustainable cities also encourage models that encourage local purchasing and networks of productive, environmentally friendly people. By creating sustainable productive systems and new jobs to ensure that everyone in the city has access to resources and a fulfilling life, the economy becomes stronger. By supporting local trade we also reduce CO2 emissions generated by transport.
4. Renewable energy techniques
Technological advances have created the possibility of using new renewable energy sources. They have made it possible to supply our energy consumption with cleaner and less polluting energies than those we used previously. In the same way, electric vehicles are also a great contribution and a great alternative to the polluting traditional ways of transport. This is why we must encourage both large companies and individual citizens to use these alternative energies.

5. The three R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle
Actions should be developed to promote the importance of recycling and responsible consumption, thus avoiding the excessive abuse of natural resources. From your home, your family and you can help, contribute and encourage the implementation of these actions that will ultimately be of great benefit to society as a whole. In any case, counting with the involvement and willingness of all citizens will mean being able to have more sustainable, cleaner and more environmentally friendly cities.
Small actions will mean a lot for society and at Meep we know this and we put it into practice, what about you? Don't you want to join the sustainable development journey? If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us. We will help you to create your sustainable city.